Friday, April 8, 2011

Project Proposal

Katie Acheff
Adv Design
Project Proposal

The city of Portland, Oregon has become more popular and desirable than ever in the past 10 years. As many young, culturally savvy people move into Portland for it’s progressive nature and thriving art scene, the city is now on the map as one of the most captivating places on the West Coast. As a native Portlander it has been interesting to watch the city I know so well become this new status symbol, and I wanted to explore the different areas of Portland from a perspective that only someone who grew up in the middle of it could share. My idea is to create a photography based visual infographic map laid out in book format, displaying a breakdown of each of the main sectors of Portland, North East, South East, North West, South West, Downtown and perhaps a look at the suburbs. I wanted to explore the vast difference in culture, scene, socioeconomic status, race and more that co-exist in such a small physical area.

To create a dynamic visual guide to Portland that contains a critical look at some statistical information as well as a commentary on culture, represented through a series focused on photographs but complemented with maps and text. It could be considered the non-tourist’s guide to Portland.

Photography, maps, illustrations, text, interviews, all assembled in book format.

Week 2:
Research, idea development.

Week 3:
Begin book layout, structure the content of different sectors.

Week 4:
Spending the weekend in Portland taking first set of photographs. Tentatively scheduled to stay on the East side, look into NE/SE, post pictures to blog.

Week 5:
Second Portland trip looking at the West side. Interview local business owners, continue creating layout.

Week 6:
Possible last trip to Portland, focusing on downtown, PSU, public transportation, bar/club scene, the more ‘tourist’ aspects of Portland. Also checking out the suburbs. Again will post pictures to blog.

Week 7:
Assemble all the information I have gathered. Will need a long time spent post-processing photos in Photoshop, organizing them and writing the commentary to go with it.

Week 8:
Book should be finished, go over final for any editing, blog updated to reflect progress of the book. Send in finished book template to for publishing beginning of the week.

Week 9:
Finish blog updating for final project, await book arrival.

Week 10:
Print out pages of book to display for installation and project presentation, along with final book.

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